A community based specialist residential service for adults with complex and difficult to manage mental health needs
Delivering outcomes based support and rehabilitation to those often reluctant to engage in therapeutic programs, Deepdene House is a progressive and vibrant service at the heart of the community.
Deepdene House is a specialised service for 20 adults experiencing high and complex mental health needs, who are often difficult to engage with and require intensive support and interaction. Located at the hub of the community in Streatham, South London, Deepdene House offers access to a variety of local services and amenities as well as all the benefits of a central London location.
Deepdene Care, an established national mental healthcare provider, has operated the service since its formation in 1987 and has continued to build on the reputation of Deepdene House. With services now operating throughout the UK, Deepdene Care has developed strong and stable compliance, governance and central support frameworks which Deepdene House benefits from.

Those living at Deepdene House often exhibit high and complex mental health needs including severe and enduring mental illnesses, challenging behaviour, and drug or alcohol dependency. We are well equipped to accommodate those who exhibit behaviours such as self-harm, personality disorders, or those with a dual diagnosis.
Individual care
Deepdene House provides an environment where social integration is encouraged and our residents are able to recover in a safe and homely setting. With the focus on rehabilitation, care and support programs are tailored to take account of individual residents' needs and always reflect individual choice. Our excellent community links enable us to maximise opportunities for social inclusion and take advantage of activities offered in the area.
If you would like to arrange an informal meeting, please contact us on our referral line:
Deepdene House
55 & 57 Stanthorpe Road
SW16 2EA